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Dear friends, 


The quickest and easiest way is to book online using the 'BOOK NOW' button where you can book 24/7.


The academy will be taking appointments via phone if you contact 020 8090 5818, though this is only available on Mondays between 09:30 and 17:30 


Models - as there are limited spaces, we suggest booking your services separately if trying to book a cut and colour on the same day - if you select both services on the booking menu and BOTH are not available, the system will automatically say there are no spaces. 


You can be assured that your safety is our number one priority and for that reason, please carefully read the following :


  • Full cleaning and sterilising before and in-between each model - workspaces, tools, and equipment 

  • We will require all models to come with a face mask and to use wipes when entering the salon if using a phone

  • Do not come to the academy if you are feeling unwell - fever, continuous dry cough, loss of taste/smell, or live with anyone with symptoms  

  • Please come to your appointment with minimal belongings, we may ask you to handle your own coat and bag. We are not liable for any loss or damaged items, so please keep to the requested minimum  

  • Upon arrival, please wash your hands or use the supplied hand sanitiser as you enter 

  • Models will not be able to bring along friends or children 

  • We ask all models to attend on time as we will not have a waiting area if you arrive early 

  • If you are late we may need to refuse entry, as we cannot run over appointments due to the cleaning time required in-between models  

  • No magazines or refreshments (sorry!) so bring along a book :)

  • No walk-in models - pre-booking only  



All colour models MUST have had an Aveda colour patch test at least 48hrs prior to their appointment if new to the academy or it has been longer than 12 months since the last visit. Failure to have an up to date patch test will mean we can not colour your hair for integrity and legal reasons. 


You can visit the Wimbledon or Fulham salon any day prior to the 48 hours required for a skin patch test, explaining you are coming to the academy for a colour. Our team will apply a very small amount of colour behind your ear to ensure there is no allergic reaction to Aveda tint.


We will keep this page updated so keep an eye on further developments. We are looking forward to seeing you in our Gina Conway Academy again :)




Don’t Forget to Follow

  • Gina Conway Academy YouTube
  • Gina Conway Academy Instagram
  • Gina Conway Academy Facebook


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